Acupuncture Treatment
Acupuncture sessions last 15-30 minutes depending on the patient's specific need.
Headache, migraine
Neck pain
Back pain
Epicondylitis (Tennis elbow, Golfer's elbow)
Plantar fasciitis
Low energy
Anxiety, depression
Digestive issues (reflux, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation)
Fertility and hormone regulation issues
Nicotine withdrawl
Opioid addition
Your Body's Natural Energy
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, qi (promounced 'chi'), is the life force or pure energy that flows through the body. Application of acupuncture needles help to improve qi flow along the acupuncture meridians or channels. These channels follow the fascial or connective-tissue planes of the body, so when there is a fascial disruption qi can get blocked. Dr. Sutphin uses Acupuncture, Soft tissue release (gua sha), and Cupping (ba gua) to help redirect the body's qi to achieve balance and improve health.
Application of Acupuncture needles help to improve blood and qi flow along the Acupuncture meridians or channels. These channels follow the fascial planes of the body, so when there is a fascial disruption qi can get blocked. Soft tissue release and cupping may also be used to help redirect the body's qi to achieve balance and improve health.
Dr. Rebecca Sutphin
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